9 Tips On How To Organize Meeting Notes

Meeting Insights
9 Tips On How To Organize Meeting Notes

If you're like most people, you probably dread meetings. They can be long, tedious, and frustrating. But they don't have to be! You can do a few simple things to make meetings more organized and efficient. This blog post will show you how to organize meeting notes so that you can get the most out of your next meeting.

Stop taking individual meeting notes

When you're in a meeting, it can be tempting to take individual notes. But this is counter-productive. Having one person take notes for the entire group is much more effective. This way, everyone can focus on the discussion and offer their input without getting bogged down in their notes. When the key points have been captured, they can be distributed to the group afterward. Like this, everyone is on the same page, and meeting notes are more concise. Even if you're not the one taking notes, make sure to contribute to the discussion so that your ideas are captured.

Choose a note-taking outline that works for you

There are a few different ways to structure meeting notes. The most important thing is to find a system that works for you and your team. Some people prefer a bullet-point format, while others prefer a more narrative approach to key points. There's no right or wrong way to do it, as long as the notes are clear and concise. You can also include a section for action items, so everyone knows what needs to be done after the meeting.

You might consider using some of the following strategies:

  • Create a meeting template that everyone can use. This will ensure that all the important information is captured, making it easier for people to find what they're looking for.
  • Take notes in a Google Doc or another shared document so everyone can access them in real-time. This can be especially helpful if people are joining the meeting remotely.
  • Use a mind-mapping tool to capture ideas and brainstorm solutions. This can be a great way to visualize complex problems and develop creative solutions.
  • Create a meeting minutes document that captures the highlights of the discussion. This can be circulated after the meeting, so everyone is on the same page.
  • Unanswered questions? No problem! If any questions remain unanswered after the meeting, follow up with the relevant people. You can add these questions to the meeting minutes, so everyone knows them.
Note-taking outline
Fig. 1. Choose an outline that works

Sync calendar and to-do list

When it comes to meetings, being organized is key. One of the best ways to stay organized is to sync. That way, you'll always have the most recent version of the notes handy, and you won't have to waste time looking for them. You can also set up reminders to remember to update the notes after each meeting. In an effective meeting notes system, everything should be in one place and easy to find. You'll always be prepared for your next meeting when the calendar event and the meeting notes are linked. And as better meeting notes make for better meetings, it's a win-win situation!

Rotate the role of the notetaker

As the note taker, it's your responsibility to ensure that the meeting notes are organized and easy to understand. For fairness, it will be best for the team to rotate the role among the members. This ensures everyone knows the challenges and responsibilities of note-taking during meetings. They’ll also learn how to be more organized by following the same meeting notes template.

Rotate the role of taking meeting minutes
Fig. 2. Rotate the role of taking meeting minutes

Make it a habit to end meetings with a recap

While it's important to have meeting notes, it's also important to ensure everyone is on the same page. One way to do this is to end each meeting with a recap. This allows everyone to understand what was discussed and what needs to be done. It also helps to ensure that there are clear understandings. When the meeting attendees know that they will have to recap the meeting, they are more likely to pay attention and take good notes.

Always finish the meeting with a summary

Usually, the chair or boss will thank everyone for their attendance and participation. Then, it's helpful to go around the room and have each person summarize what was discussed. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that no important details are missed. It also allows for any clarification that may be needed. Suppose you are writing notes for a design team meeting. In this case, you should include a section for each person's summary.

Make sure to take good notes

Of course, this is only possible if you take good notes. Try to be as detailed as possible, and feel free to ask questions if you need clarification. It's also a good idea to write down the action items from each discussion. This way, you can make sure that they are followed up on. When the other attendees see that you are taking good notes, they will be more likely to do the same. We recommend following the given tips for taking effective meeting notes:

  • Be prepared: This means having all the materials you need to take notes. This includes pens, paper, a laptop, and anything else you might need.
  • Listen and watch: You must pay attention to what is happening in the meeting. This way, you will get everything important.
  • Be concise: Try to be as concise as possible when taking notes. This way, you won't have to spend time trying to decipher your writing later.
  • Use abbreviations: If you're taking notes by hand, use abbreviations to save time. Just make sure that you know what they mean so that you can understand them later.
  • Ask questions: If you need clarification on something, feel free to ask a question. It's better to get clarification than to miss something important.
  • Follow up: After the meeting, make sure to follow up on any action items that were assigned. This way, you can ensure that they are completed.

Minutes should be distributed soon after the meeting

Once the meeting is over, it's important to get the minutes out as soon as possible. This ensures that everyone has them and can refer back to them if needed. It's also a good way to keep everyone accountable. If the minutes are not distributed promptly, getting people to take them seriously cannot be easy.

When the meeting is over, send the minutes out via email. Using a cloud-based storage service, such as Google Drive, you can share the document with everyone who needs it. You can also post the minutes on a shared team forum or chat room. Or, if you're using a cloud-based storage service, such as Google Drive, you can post the minutes in a shared location. This way, everyone on the team can access them. You can also post them on a shared team forum or chat room.

Use Eric.ai to organize your meeting notes

Eric.ai is the perfect meeting assistant to keep your notes organized. It takes care of all the details so you can focus on what's important - the meeting itself. Eric.ai makes it easy to capture and organize meeting notes. It helps you identify action items and assign them to specific people. And most of all, it can generate meeting minutes automatically.

With Eric.ai, you'll never have to worry about losing track of your meeting notes again. It's the perfect way to ensure your meetings are productive and efficient.

Here are the benefits of using Eric in your next meeting:

Comprehensive meeting recording

Eric.ai records every meeting automatically, so you never have to worry about losing track of important discussion points. Suppose you're in a meeting and need to step out. With Eric.ai, you can listen to the recording later and catch up on what you missed. Even if you cannot attend the meeting in person, Eric.ai will ensure you have a record of what happened with its “Quick View” feature. Add this to your project management software and tools to make work more productive, streamlined, and effective. 

Action items and follow-ups

Eric.ai automatically generates action items and follow-ups based on your meeting notes. So you can be sure that nothing falls through the cracks. And if you need to assign an action item to someone, Eric.ai makes it easy. Just type in the name of the person you want to assign it to, and Eric.ai will take care of the rest.

Assign action items to the right people
Fig. 3. Assign action items to the right people

Integrate with your favorite software

Eric.ai integrates with popular productivity software, so you can use it with the tools you already use. Export your data from Eric and import it into the new tool.

Automatic transcription and translation

Eric.ai supports the automatic transcription and translation of meeting recordings. So you can easily transcribe your meetings and translate them into different languages. This is perfect for international teams who need to communicate in different languages. When your meeting agenda changes, you can easily update the transcriptions and translations.

Embedded in Microsoft Teams

The best way to use Eric.ai is through Microsoft Teams. With Eric.ai embedded in Teams, you can start and stop recordings with just a few clicks. And all your meeting notes and recordings will be automatically stored in Teams.

Eric.ai is the perfect meeting assistant for busy professionals who want to make their meetings more productive and efficient. It's available to try for FREE! You can also request a demo to see how it can be utilized by your team and make your meetings better.

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