9 Online Meeting Management Tips To Remember

Meeting Mastery
9 Online Meeting Management Tips To Remember

Online meetings have become important in business communication over the past several years. They offer several advantages, including connecting with people from all over the globe in real-time. Although online meetings are generally successful, there are a few things to keep in mind when organizing and managing them. 

This blog post will share nine tips for doing just that. Read on to find out what these tips are.

1. Schedule strategically

To get the most out of your online meeting, it is important to schedule it at a convenient time for all participants. To do this, you will need to consider various time zones and the availability of the people you would like to invite. Different meeting management programs offer different scheduling features, so choose one that will work best for your needs. 

Suppose you want to use Google Calendar. You can set up an event and then add invitees, who will receive an email with the details of the meeting. You can also add options to share documents or files. Your meeting agendas should also be added to the invite so that participants can prepare in advance.

2. Be prepared

As the saying goes, "fail to prepare, prepare to fail." This is especially true for online meetings. To ensure that your meeting runs smoothly, you need to take some time to prepare in advance. This includes creating an agenda, preparing any materials that will be needed, and ensuring that everyone who is participating is aware of the meeting's purpose. A meeting management tool can be a big help when it comes to preparing and managing your meeting. It gives you a central place to store all of the meeting's information and helps to keep everyone on track.

3. Select the right platform

There are several different online meeting platforms available, and it's important to select the right one for your needs. If you're holding a meeting with people who are located in different parts of the world, you'll need to choose a platform that supports international calls. You'll also want to consider the features that each platform offers. For example, some platforms allow you to share your screen during the meeting, while others allow you to record the meeting. 

As the team meetings will be important to the success of your project, you need to make sure that you're using a platform that will meet all of your needs. Start by doing some research and then selecting the platform that's right for you. If you want to record meetings, Microsoft Teams is a great option.

4. Keep it organized

When you're holding an online meeting, it's important to keep things organized. This means having a clear agenda for the meeting and ensuring everyone knows what the meeting is about. It also means keeping track of who's attending the meeting and who isn't. If you schedule meetings ahead of time, follow up with a reminder email or message. A lot of meeting software has features that can help you keep track of attendees and RSVPs.

5. Create discussion points

Create discussion points
Fig. 1. Create discussion points

If you want your online meeting to be productive, it's important to create discussion points. These are topics that you want to discuss during the meeting. By having discussion points, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the meeting stays focused. 

To create discussion points, start by creating an agenda for the meeting. Then, add a few bullet points for each topic that you want to discuss.

6. Make sure everyone can hear and be heard

This may seem obvious, but it's important to ensure everyone in the meeting can hear and be heard. This means using a good-quality microphone and speakers and ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding audio quality. It also means speaking clearly and slowly so that everyone can understand. 

During the meeting, ask if everyone can hear and understand what's happening. As virtual meetings are important, you must ensure that everyone can participate fully. Suppose you're using headphones. In that case, it's essential to have a good quality headset that doesn't distort the sound.

7. Pay attention to body language

You can't see everyone's body language in an online meeting, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. Pay attention to the tone of voice and the way people are speaking. This will give you a good idea of how they're feeling and whether or not they're engaged in the discussion. 

When speaking, make sure you're using a clear and professional tone. Few things are more frustrating than trying to discuss with someone who sounds like they're bored or disinterested. When in video meetings, try to have everyone on camera so that you can see their facial expressions. A meeting software that offers video conferencing can greatly help in this regard.

8. Use video whenever possible

Put on the video
Fig. 2. Put on the video

If you have the option to use video, do it. Video conferencing is a great way to build rapport and get a feel for people's body language. It also allows you to see facial expressions, which can help you understand what someone is saying. If you can't use video, use clear and concise language. It can be helpful to include links to relevant articles or websites for meeting notes. This way, everyone can follow along and review the material later if needed. 

Meeting management solutions like Eric.ai can help make video conferencing easy and convenient. According to a recent study, people who use video conferencing are more likely to feel connected to their colleagues.

9. Follow up after the meeting

Once the meeting is over, send out a recap email with key points and action items. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done. It's also a good way to keep people accountable. If any tasks need to be completed, assign them to specific people and set deadlines. Lastly, thank everyone for their time and contributions. A free meeting management software would be a great way to keep track of meeting notes and action items.

With these tips in mind, you'll be able to run successful online meetings that will help to move your project forward. Just remember to be organized, keep things focused, and make sure everyone is on the same page. If you do that, you'll be well on your way to success.

How Eric.ai can make online meetings more effective

Now that we've gone over some tips for holding successful online meetings let's talk about how Eric.ai can help. Eric.ai is a smart meeting assistant that automatically plans, transcribes, summarizes, and manages MS Teams meetings.

Eric.ai can help you to hold more effective online meetings in several ways.

Take notes automatically

Usually, somebody has to be assigned to take meeting minutes. This can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Eric.ai transcribes meetings in real-time, so you don't have to worry about taking notes yourself or assigning someone else to do it. Suppose you want to go back and review what was discussed in a previous meeting. 

With Eric.ai, you can search for keywords in the transcript and quickly find what you're looking for. It’s the recommended enterprise meeting management software that can take meeting notes for you.

Meet less, Do more

Eric.ai helps you to make better use of your time by automatically scheduling and sending reminders for your meetings. It will also keep track of meeting cancellations, changes, and rescheduling so that you don't have to worry about it. This way, you can focus on participating in the meeting rather than managing it. 

While Eric.ai can't force people to show up on time or participate actively, it can help make the meeting process more smooth and more efficient. As your meeting agenda is automatically managed, you have more time to prepare for the meeting itself.

Search all past meetings

Search your meeting notes for keywords when you forget what was decided in a previous meeting or who was supposed to do what. You can also use the "search this channel" function on MS Teams to help you find specific information from past meetings. If your team members keep their meeting notes in different places, consider using a shared document or folder so everyone can easily find and search for meeting notes.

Keep on task and on time

Keep track of the meeting agenda
Fig. 3. Keep track of the meeting agenda

If you are getting off track or running over time, take a step back and refocus on the task. It can be helpful to set a timer for each agenda item so that everyone stays on track. You can also try using the "mute all" function on MS Teams to minimize distractions and keep people from talking over each other.

Live meeting support

If you're having trouble with audio or video during a meeting, try using the "live meeting support" function on MS Teams. This will connect you with a live support agent who can help troubleshoot any issues you have. Using live meeting support, have your Meeting ID handy so the support agent can easily join your meeting.

Use Eric.ai to Better Manage Online Meetings

If you're looking for a smart meeting assistant that can help with planning, transcribing, summarizing, and managing MS Teams meetings, check out Eric.ai. Getting started is easy; you can either request a demo or sign up for a trial to explore all of Eric.ai's features. 

Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Eric.ai can help you run more efficient and productive meetings. You can start for free, but premium features are available for purchase. It is the best meeting management software with all the meeting management tools you need to succeed.

Try Eric.ai today for FREE!

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