Training Session

New Hire Orientation

Provide an overview of the company, its culture, values, and policies to new employees.

HR Representative/Manager

Department-Specific Training

Provide training on department-specific processes, procedures, tools, and technologies.

Department Head/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Software/Tool Training

Provide training on new or existing software or tools used by employees.

IT Representative/Software Trainer

Compliance Training

Provide training on company policies, industry regulations, and legal requirements to ensure compliance.

Compliance Officer/HR Representative

Leadership Development Training

Provide training on leadership skills, such as communication, delegation, decision-making, and team building, to current and aspiring leaders.

HR Representative/Leadership Development Facilitator

Professional Development Training

Provide training on skills and knowledge relevant to employees' roles and career development, such as project management, public speaking, or data analysis.

HR Representative/Training Provider

Diversity & Inclusion Training

Provide training on diversity and inclusion topics, such as unconscious bias, cultural competency, and allyship, to promote a more inclusive workplace.

HR Representative/Diversity & Inclusion Facilitator

Soft Skills Training

Provide training on soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management, to enhance employees' overall effectiveness.

HR Representative/Soft Skills Trainer

On-the-Job Training

Provide training and guidance to employees while they perform their job duties, allowing them to learn through hands-on experience.

Manager/Experienced Employee


Pair employees with experienced mentors or coaches who can provide guidance, support, and feedback on their performance and development.

HR Representative/Manager

E-Learning/Online Courses

Provide access to online courses and e-learning modules for employees to learn at their own pace and convenience.

HR Representative/E-Learning Provider

Lunch & Learn Sessions

Combine a team lunch with a learning opportunity, such as a presentation or workshop on a relevant topic.

HR Representative/Organizer

External Workshops/Conferences

Send employees to external workshops or conferences to learn from industry experts and network with peers.

HR Representative/Manager

Certification Programs

Support employees in obtaining certifications relevant to their roles and career development.

HR Representative/Manager

Training Session

Training and Growth
Sustainability Meeting
Leadership and Strategy
Leadership Team Meeting
Leadership and Strategy
User Research Session
Product and Development